way or another, in the form of prisoner support, benefits, etc. Here are some
actions that have been reported in anarchist websites over these past months.
Alfredo Bonanno, the pioneering figure of insurrectionist theory and practice, was arrested by the Greek state on the grounds of “bank robbery”. A group of insurrectionist anarchists destroyed an ATM in Istanbul in solidarity with Bonanno, covered the location with red paint, drew symbols of anarchy and put up a banner demanding “FREEDOM FOR BONANNO”.
The target of the action which emphasized that insurrectionist solidarity can only be showed by direct action, was chosen symbolically to refer to the allegation of “bank robbery” made by the patrons of the system. “What's breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank?”
below is an entry posted in 325.nostate.net/ November 7th, 2009
The communiqué beneath claims an attack against an election meeting of the previous first minister Karamanlis that took place at the eve of the elections. An artisanal bomb was put in a garbage container next to the building where the meeting took place. The meeting was evicted. The ‘Conspiracy’ talks about the recent attacks as well. On the 4th of October, the socialists of the PASOK win the elections. Together with the green party they form up the government. One of the first measures they took was sending an overwhelming police force to Exarchia, a neighbourhood in Athens where the anarchists and anti-authoritarians are very strong. This police force stayed for several days in order to pacify the situation. The socialists, in the best of their traditions, made the struggle against the anarchists and the spread of the attacks an important issue on their agenda…
........Let’s show them that the new guerrilla is not a soap bubble, nor a teenage impulse, nor an explosion of artistic anxiety.
The realisation and reanimation of our aggressive desires, our negations, our existence is attacking the status quo.
You will always be right in front of us… and we’ll see who’s with his back against the wall.
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Nihilist Fraction
PS: We give our greetings to the anarchists and comrades Christos Stratigopoulos and Alfredo Bonanno who, despite his age, keeps treasuring his unaltered negation and continues walking on the way he choose to walk.
n a recent solidarity action on 30 November in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, by Anonymous Anarchist Action, 28 police vehicles were torched out of use. The action was dedicated to “the International Week of Agitation and Pressure in Solidarity with the Prisoners Seized by the Chilean State, and in support of comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s call for a hunger strike as a means of revolutionary struggle for our comrades in prison. Our action is in solidarity with comrade Emmanuel Hernández Hernández (prisoner in Mexico City), Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico Rodríguez, Sergio María Stefani, Francesco Porcu, Alessandro Settepani, Leonardo Landi, Pablo Carvajal, Matías Castro, Axel Osorio, Diego Petrissans, Amadeu Casellas Ramón, Alfredo María Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, and all the anarchist prisoners of the social war.”
Solidarity means attack! Destroy all prisons!
Royal Bank of Scotland HQ attacked in Brighton (UK)
2 November 2009 : Attack against RBS in solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Here is the claim: “We take responsibility for attacking the Brighton HQ of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the evening of 2nd November 2009. All banks are part of the same system which is destroying everything and has to go. Banks are the most visible manifestation of the exploitation and annihilation of our lives, carried out by state and capital. We haven’t forgotten the role of RBS in the financial crisis and the April G20 where Ian Tomlinson was killed by police, nor do we forgive.
We dedicate this action to Yiannis Dimitrakis, Amadeu Casellas, Thomas Meyer-Falk, Alfredo M. Bonanno and Christos Stratigopulos, anarchist comrades in prison for expropriations who chose to directly attack this system, as well as all other rebels who are in struggle inside and outside the prison walls.
We will not stop.”
Attack on Berlin police station claimed in solidarity with German and Greek Prisoners (Germany)
13 October 2009 : From the German press: Unknown persons attacked a police station in Lichtenberg and created high damages. Nobody got injured. Clearly the perpretrators acted in solidarity with people who are in prison accused of arsons on cars. State security investigates.
Around 12.30 the group showed up in front of the police station and smashed several windows with stones, afterwards they lighted smokebombs, their smoke reached the inner part of the building through the damaged windows. Also they left some calthrops on the streets which damaged the police cars who wanted to search for the authors, who instead could flee away. The police first arrested three persons in the area but had to release them quite fast. Civil cops found a bag in the near of the action containing flyers who had a connection to the ongoing arsons on cars.
The following claim was published recently on the internet:
„At first we want to condemn of again innocent passer-byers who just finish in the search-framework – an arrest we read in the press about. Now follow informations about the attack on the police station in the Rathaustr. in Berlin Lichtenerg in the night from the 13 to the 14 of October: solidarity knows no borders…
You keep our comrades Masouras, Hadjimichelakis and Yospus prisoners in Athens. You took Christoph T. And Alexandra R. in general preventive kidnapping, you want to make an example with the prisoners of the first of May, you organised a farce process against alleged members of the MG, therefore we visited you. In solidarity with all the ones who are on our side of the barricade and take action against your social terror-control ansd your anti-insurrection combating. A special greeting goes to Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos, kept in pre-trial detention in Greece.
We do not know borders and we will hit your agencies everywhere”
Italy: anarchists claim explosions at Rovereto cash points and demand the release of Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopolous
source: trentinocorrierealpi
A letter reached the newsroom of the daily newspaper the 'Trentino' concerning the explosion of two cash dispensers in Rovereto on the night between Christmas and Boxing Day. In the communique there was a demand for the liberation of two of the main theoreticians of insurrectionalist anarchism.
TRENTO. A claim for the two explosions in as many cash dispensers in Rovereto that took place during the night between Christmas and Santo Stefano, reached the newsroom of the local daily paper the 'Trentino', and seems to open an anarchist trail.
In the missive, written with a ruler to compose each letter, there is the request to free two anarchists. They are Alfredo Maria Bonanno, 72 years, considered one of the main theoreticians of insurrectionalist anarchism, arrested in Greece for concourse in robbery last October 2, and the Greek Christos Stratigopoulos, active in the middle of the nineties also in Italy.
The carabinieri of Rovereto, who are investigating the case, are examining the letter, which bears a Verona postmark dated Monday December 28. Technical analyses will be carried out to look for fingerprints.
No outcome on the other hand from the declaration of a witness who saw two young people escaping, their faces covered by balaclavas, other than confirmation of the dynamic of the deeds: two rudimentary devices made from fireworks and the bank CCTV cameras obscured in order to avoid being taken.
(29 December 2009)
Monday, 04/01/2010 – informa-azione